Full The Incredible Hulk in HD Format
Now you can see The Incredible Hulk in HD quality with duration 114 Min and has been launched in 2008-06-12 and MPAA rating is 1225.- Original Title : The Incredible Hulk
- Movie title in your country : The Incredible Hulk
- Year of movie : 2008
- Genres of movie : Science Fiction, Action, Adventure,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2008-06-12
- Companies of movie : Universal Pictures, Marvel Studios, Valhalla Motion Pictures, Marvel Enterprises, MVL Incredible Productions,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : Português, Español, English,
- Durationof movie : 114 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.1
- Youtube ID of movie : NWWzve8Z90s
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,CS,IT,FR,HU,NL,TR,SV,RU,PT,ES,ZH,PL,BG,HE,DA,SR,EL,KO,SK,RO,
- Actors of movie :Edward Norton (Bruce Banner), Liv Tyler (Betty Ross), Tim Roth (Emil Blonsky), William Hurt (General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross), Tim Blake Nelson (Leonard), Ty Burrell (Dr. Samson), Christina Cabot (Major Kathleen Sparr), Peter Mensah (General Joe Greller), Lou Ferrigno (Voice of The Incredible Hulk / Security Guard), Paul Soles (Stanley), Débora Nascimento (Martina), Greg Bryk (Commando), Genelle Williams (Terrified Gal), Chris Owens (Commando), Al Vrkljan (Commando (as Alan Vrkljan)), Adrian Hein (Commando), John MacDonald (Commando), Shaun McComb (Helicopter Soldier), Simon Wong (Grad Student), Pedro Salvín (Tough Guy Leader), Julio Cesar Torres Dantas (Tough Guy), Raimundo Camargo Nascimento (Tough Guy), Nick Alachiotis (Tough Guy), Jason Burke (Communications Officer), Grant Nickalls (Helicopter Pilot), Joris Jarsky (Soldier), Arnold Pinnock (Soldier), Tig Fong (Cop), Jason Hunter (Cop), Maxwell McCabe-Lokos (Cab Driver), David Collins (Medical Technician), Chris Ratz (Young Guy), John Carvalho (Plant Manager), Robin Wilcock (Sniper), Wayne Robson (Boat Captain), Javier Lambert (Guatemalan Trucker), Martin Starr (Computer Nerd), Todd Hofley (Apache Helicopter Pilot), Joe La Loggia (Soldier), Tamsen McDonough (Colleague), Michael Kenneth Williams (Harlem Bystander (as Michael Kenneth Williams)), Roberto Bakker (Market Vendor), Ruru Sacha (Supply Driver), James Downing (Army Base Doctor), Rickson Gracie (Aikido Instructor), Stephen Gartner (Ross's Soldier), Nicholas Rose (McGee), P.J. Kerr (Wilson), Jee-Yun Lee (Reporter), Desmond Campbell (Gunner), Deshaun Clarke (Little Boy), Tony Nappo (Brave Cop), Aaron Berg (Soldier), David Meunier (Soldier (as David Miller)), Tre Smith (Soldier), Moses Nyarko (Soldier), Carlos A. Gonzalez (BOPE Officer), Yan Regis (Medic Soldier), Stephen Broussard (Handsome Soldier), Robert Morse (Command Van Soldier), Matt Purdy (Ross's Aide), Lenka Matuska (Female Medical Assistant), Scott Magee (Humvee Driver), Wes Berger (Sterns Lab Soldier), Carla Nascimento (Large Woman), Krista Vendy (Female Bartender), Mila Stromboni (Hopscotch Girl), Robert Downey Jr. (Tony Stark (uncredited)), Stan Lee (Milwaukee Man Drinking From Bottle (uncredited))
Movie summary of The Incredible Hulk :
Watch full The Incredible Hulk in High Quality with movie summary "Scientist Bruce Banner scours the planet for an antidote to the unbridled force of rage within him: the Hulk. But when the military masterminds who dream of exploiting his powers force him back to civilization, he finds himself coming face to face with a new, deadly foe." in HD quality. Download full The Incredible Hulk in Best Video Format by push of the button above.
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Director : Louis Leterrier, Screenplay : Zak Penn, Characters : Stan Lee, Characters : Jack Kirby, Executive Producer : Stan Lee, Casting : Laray Mayfield, Art Direction : Page Buckner, Costume Design : James Acheson, Producer : Kevin Feige, Producer : Gale Anne Hurd, Original Music Composer : Craig Armstrong, Editor : Rick Shaine, Editor : John Wright, Production Design : Kirk M. Petruccelli, Lighting Technician : Dan Haring, Lighting Technician : Justin Hammond, Animation : Joel Foster, Technical Supervisor : Sachin Bangera, Visual Effects : Julie D'Antoni
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